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PT.TIARA JAYA MAKMUR ( Distributor, Importir and Stockist )

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Tahun ke-17


Takeda Works is one of the leading producers of Rotary Joints in Japan, and the world. We have striven, since 1948 to provide industry with the very best products and services.
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    • TAKEDA - Rotary....

      TAKEDA - Rotary Joint R1000

      With a specially developed air-tight, carbon-sealing mechanism, sophisticated bellows and rugged ball bearings, the R-1000 Series Rotary Joint ensure not only outstanding sealing....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • TAKEDA Joint -....

      TAKEDA Joint - Rotary Joint R2000

      The TKD R2000 Series Rotary Joints have low rotation resistance at high speed operation and are economical to operate. Their unique sealed ball bearing mechanism eliminates the....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • TAKEDA Rotary Joint....

      TAKEDA Rotary Joint R2300

      The TKD R-2300 Rotary joints Series can be divided into two main types, AR & BR. The AR type is used mainly for coolants and the BR type for higher temperatures. However, if the....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • TAKEDA - Rotary....

      TAKEDA - Rotary Joint R3000

      The TKD R-3000 Series Rotary Joints are lubrication-free, easy maintenance type with a spherical double seal structure which has a stable capacity to handle easy-to-leak fluids in....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • TAKEDA Rotary Joint....

      TAKEDA Rotary Joint R3700

      The TKD R-3700 Rotary Joints Series are high performance, non-lubrication type rotary joints that guarantee efficient operation in high temperature and high pressure conditions.....

      HargaCompetitive Price

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